List Of Low Dose Naltrexone LDN Research Resources Cancer MS Sjogren's etc

Low Dose Naltrexone LDN Information Research Resources
Cancer, MS, Sjogren’s , Candida etc

These links are not in any order, just useful information/articles
regarding research for use of LDN treating certain illnesses.
We suggest you do a search (ctrl -F) to find the topic you want.

If you support the use of LDN and want to help with getting more answers to the many questions we all have to be able to use LDN effectively, please consider donating directly to Penn State to ensure that every penny received (however small) goes directly towards research into LDN by clicking here. Thank you!

Ask the Doctor: Diagnosing Men & Children with Sjogren’s
Is there any speculation as to what’s driving this big upswing in the diagnosis of men and children?

Dr. Berkson's 2009 Videos - Pancreatic Cancer

RA, Lupus, Lymphoma


Dr. Berkson was the keynote speaker at the recent Low Dose Naltrexone Conference held in Bethesda Md. at the NIH - National Institute of Health. There, he presented a 2 hour presentation detailing his successful treatments of various disorders, including pancreatic cancer, b-cell lymphoma, RA, Lupus, breast cancer, liver cancer and cirrhosis, among other diseases.
Newly published abstract about Dr. Berkon's use of ALA and LDN in treating 3 pancreatic cancer patients:


Increasing Endorphins May Be Helpful in Treating Chronic Diseases, New Connexion Journal Reports

Low dose naltrexone (LDN) may stop the progression of chronic diseases by increasing endorphins


This site discusses LDN in the treatment of cancer:

         Treating Cancer With Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN)


Low dose naltrexone:Harnessing the body's own chemistry to treat humanovarian cancer

Researchers have discovered that a low dose of the opioid antagonist naltrexone (LDN) markedly suppresses progression of human ovarian cancer transplanted into mice. LDN's antitumor action was comparable to that of chemotherapy (cisplatin, taxol). LDN combined with cisplatin but not taxol had an additive inhibitory action on tumorigenesis. LDN offers a non-toxic and efficacious biologic pathway-related treatment that may benefit patients with this deadly cancer.


 This site discusses LDN side effects and dosing:
Q) If ldn is making you dream vividly EVERY night, is that proof it is working/increasing endorphin production??

A) I would say so, but if it continues for more that a week or two, it would suggest your dose is too high


There is more to treating MS than just taking LDN. This site has more information


Cancer : This site discusses LDN in the treatment of cancer: 

Excellent video of the doctor with the best results for pancreatic cancer. 

He uses LDN, and IV ALA. I would imagine some other things, but these are the main ones. I think that one should add IV vitamin C, if they can find somebody to administer it. We make our own liposomal vit C, which gets more into the body, than even the IV can.


Analgesic effectiveness of D-phenylalanine in chronic pain patients.
Enkephalins are a biochemical pathway for endogenous analgesia. A number of compounds inhibit degradation of enkephalins within the body. One of these compounds, D-phenylalanine (DPA), has been shown to increase the pain threshold in animals.


From the 2009 LDN Conference, Dr. Burt Berkson (
talks about
 LDN for RA and Lupus (about 5 minute mark)


Endogenous Opioid's and the Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis by Ian S. Zagon and Patricia J. McLaughlin (2014)
Endogenous opioids and the treatment of multiple sclerosis.pdf

Ovarian Cancer
These two pre-clinical studies may be of interest to your friend’s oncologist:-

OGF and LDN markedly reduced ovarian tumor burden (tumor nodule number and weight). The mechanism of action was targeted to an inhibition of tumor cell proliferation and angiogenesis; no changes in cell survival were noted.

This study shows that a native opioid pathway can suppress human ovarian cancer in a xenograft model, and provides novel non-toxic therapies for the treatment of this lethal neoplasia.

The use of low-dose naltrexone (LDN) as a novel anti-inflammatory treatment for chronic pain
Low-dose naltrexone (LDN) has been demonstrated to reduce symptom severity in conditions such as fibromyalgia, Crohn’s disease, multiple sclerosis, and complex regional pain syndrome. We review the evidence that LDN may operate as a novel anti-inflammatory agent in the central nervous system, via action on microglial cells.


Drugs to be aoided when taking LDN

Reversal of Signs and Symptoms of a B-Cell Lymphoma in a Patient Using Only Low-Dose Naltrexone 2007     B CELL LYMPHOMA PAPER BERKSON-libre.pdf
The long-term survival of a patient with pancreatic cancer with metastases to the liver after treatment with the intravenous alpha-lipoic acid/low-dose naltrexone protocol 2006
ALA LDN Protocol for long term survival of a patient with Pancreatic Cancer with metastases to the liver 2006 .pdf

Alpha Lipoic Acid and Low Dose Naltrexone (The ALA/N Protocol) with people with Metastatic and Non metastatic Pancreatic Cancer: A report of 3 new cases (2009)
ALA & LDN 3 Case studys for Pancreatic cancer.pdf



Candida explained:- Candida is a yeast infection and the presence of this fungus in our body does not pose any threat to our health under normal circumstances as it is kept regulated and checked by a healthy immune system. When there is a compromised immune system or a dysregulated immune response we are unable to control the multiplication of fungus. To read how LDN helps, please click here Low Dose Naltrexone
LDN Resources site



A disease that causes widespread hardening of connective tissue, scleroderma can affect people in a host of different ways. From a stiffening of the skin to digestive and breathing difficulties, scleroderma’s impact can be varied and far-reaching. Here, six men and women speak about how scleroderma has affected them.


Fibromyalgia, Lupus - UK - LDN - Low Dose Naltrexone
Julie from the UK shares her story using LDN Low Dose Naltrexone to treat Lupus and Fibromyalgia



Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment With Low Dose Naltrexone
Dr. Woeller explains how 
Low Dose Naltrexone can be used to treat
Rheumatoid Arthritis


Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment With Low Dose Naltrexone

Click here for video



Treatment of Dissociative Symptoms.

Taken from the LDNNow FB page:- Results from a study published this month:- Low dose naltrexone in the treatment of dissociative symptoms. The results showed:- The low dose treatment with naltrexone proved to be effective whereby 11 out of 15 patients reported immediate positive effects and 7 described a lasting helpful effect. The majority of patients who felt positive effects reported a clearer perception of both their surroundings and their inner life. Assessment of reality and dealing with it improved as did the perception of their own body and affects as well as self-regulation. The treatment was very low in side effects.
    [Low dose naltrexone in the treatment of dissociative symptoms.] - PubMed - NCBI
Nervenarzt. 2014 Nov 26. [Epub ahead of print]

If you or anyone you know is having a challenge with
Cancer, the link below may be of strong interest.
Dr. Connealy's Video
Supplements for Cancer Prevention & Treatment

Click Here



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